Bjora Marches Treasure Hunter
Rewards : 3
et 1
Open all the Norn chests within Bjora Marches.
To make the treasure hunt easier, watch out for two things :
- Unlock the Raven Bond Mastery
- If you've also already unlocked the Raven's Light, it can be useful in some places.
- Part of the chests are in Asgeir's Legacy, which is only accessible after successfully finished : Winter Storms.
The chests can be harvested daily and are bounded to the characters.
Interactive map
For the chest of this achievement, don't pay attention to the chests in green, red and blue
Editor : Myalesca
Interactive map : Deathmortus
Correction : Thoanny & Mannou
Translation : Cryshah
Carried out in collaboration with ArenaNet.
Last edited: 10/03/2022
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