Which server should I choose? Megaserver? What's that?

You downloaded the game and you must choose an original server for your account when you log in for the first time. But what are servers? Can we still play with people from other servers? You will find answers to your questions in this article!

Terms and mecanics


Players generally use the term server as synonymous with world, in comparison with other MO’s. However, in Guildwars 2, the map instances are created on a virtual server that is shared by all worlds.

Servers list

Servers (Europe) Servers (North America)
Baruch Bay [ES] Ehmry Bay
Elona Reach [DE] Jade Quarry
Abaddon's Mouth [DE] Northern Shiverpeaks
Gunnar's Hold Tarnished Coast
Ring of Fire Yak's Bend
Aurora Glade Ferguson's Crossing
Whiteside Ridge Henge of Denravi
Desolation Crystal Desert
Miller's Sound [DE] Fort Aspenwood
Dzagonur [DE] Sorrow's Furnace
Fissure of Woe Isle of Janthir
Fort Ranik [FR] Stormbluff Isle
Gandara Kaineng
Kodash [DE] Maguuma
Drakkar Lake [DE] Sea of Sorrows
Far Shiverpeaks Borlis Pass
Jade Sea [FR] Eredon Terrace
Blacktide Gate of Madness
Underworld Blackgate
Arborstone [FR] Devona's Rest
Vizunah Square [FR] Darkhaven
Piken Square Anvil Rock
Riverside [DE] Sanctum of Rall
Seafarer's Rest Dragonbrand
Augury Rock [FR]  
Ruins of Surmia  

Original server

Players choose an original server when they connect to the game for the first time. This determines the server you will represent in World against World. All your characters will be linked to this original server.


The region corresponds to the location of the data center that will collect information related to your account. This has nothing to do directly with your geographical location.

Players from North America cannot play with players from Europe. Only Private Messages, Letters and Black Lion Trading Company (BLTC) are shared between EU and NA.


Unlike most MMOs, all players in the same region can play together. When a player enters a zone, he is placed on the same map as any other player in the same region until the map is considered full (in which case a new map will be created).

  • To be able to identify which map you are on, it is possible to use the /ip command and take into account the numbers just before the two points. (This is what players usually do for meta-events with strong influence)
    • Example: If the ip is, consider that you are on IP map 124.
  • When there are multiple versions of a map, the game's priority is to get you and your friends, group or squad members, guild members or members of the same server together first. For the EU region, priority is also given to the native language supported by the game.
    • Example: If you play with the game in English language, you will be more likely to be with English speaking players rather than with French speaking players.

If you are in a group and you think you are on the same map as them and all the members are greyed out, then they are probably in another instance of the same map.

  • To join players in a group who play on another map, just right-click on their portrait or name and do "Join [zone name]".
    • Tip : It is possible that the map is full, and that you cannot join this map. Do not hesitate to insist, seats are sometimes available!

WvW servers association

Server associations (not to be confused with megaservers) are specific to World Against World. They consist in a group of servers from the same region to fight on the maps dedicated to WvW.

  • Servers associations are renewed approximately every two months.
  • Servers associations are mainly based on the server population.
  • Since 15 juin 2019, language restrictions have been lifted in associations for Europe. Thus, it is possible to end up with German, Spanish or French servers without distinction.

Guesting, a feature that became useless

Since the introduction of the megaserver, guesting is no longer useful. With this feature, you can temporarily join another server for the purpose of playing with a friend there, for free.

  • On the Character Selection screen, click on "Worlds Selection", then choose the world you want to join before clicking on the "Guest" button.
    • You join this world until your next disconnection,
    • WvW is forbidden to you as well as the bonuses of this game mode,
    • You can only reach maximum 2 worls /24h and only in the original region (EU or NA).

Server change

To transfer your account from one server to another, go to the character selection tab and click "World Selection". You will then have access to a window that displays the servers, their location (region) and their population.

Choose the new server and click Transfer.

The price fluctuates according to the current population of the destination server:

  • With an account without any characters: Free (up to one per week).
  • To a low population server: Free.
  • To an average population server: 500gems
  • To a high population server: 1000gems
  • To a very high population server: 1800gems
  • To a full server: Impossible to transfer.

Players who switch servers will not earn WvW Skirmish points in the next two WvW games (for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 14 days).

Source : French Wiki
Editor : Deathmortus
Translation : Juke
Correction : Brume, Rousskass & Waldolf

Last edited: 29/06/2024

  • 3 votes. Average: 3 / 5.

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