Bound by Blood

You will find the Bound by Blood Achievements in the category : Story journal. It regroup the Story journal , instance and exploration of the new map

After the Kralkatorrik's death, your journey is leading you to the Charrs's native land, in the Grothmar Valley where the celebration is way underway. Join the Metal Legion to make more noise than Kralkatorrik and discover the charrs's way of life. Au centre s'érige le Fort sanglant, avec sa cuisine, son bar et son Fahrar. North of the map, you can visit the different camps of the four legions, as well as the brig, the region in which stands a huge tower: Stockade. Beyond, you can discover the home of Almorra Soulkeeper.

The region is divided into several areas. To the South of the keep, the cold from the the shiverpeak cover the cliffs of the Pass which contains a strange power. To the east, an enormous expanse of water brings out crystals from the depths. To the northeast, the sky darkens and the gloomy atmosphere is felt in The Haunting of Doomlore Shrine.

To have access to this episodeBound by blood, you must have been connected between the release date of this episode and that of the following episode or in the contrary case, to acquire it for 200Gemme 32px à in BLTC. You can also enjoy the narrative content of this episode without getting the rewards and Achievements by accompanying another player through group formation.

To access this map Grothmar Valley, you must finish part of the episode or use a Teleport to Friend  in case you have the episode unlocked, If you have not unlocked this episode you will be re-ported to Lion's Arch. There is also a teleportation page that you can buy on the map to bring your other characters.

Bound By Blood Mastery (Achievement)  

Récompense : 2520px arenanet points et un emote tome "/rockout"

Complete 54 of the following achievements

Warning: Hidden and repeatable achievements don’t count for the validation of this achievement.

Living World S05 - Prologue: Bound by blood - Achievements

Auto-Obtain Achievements

This achievement are unlocked automatically once you have completed the journal entry of the Bound by Blood.

Coming home  

Reward: 120px arenanet points 

Complete " Coming home".

Revels & Rivals  

Reward: 120px arenanet points 

Complete “Revels & Rivals ".

Bad Blood  

Reward: 120px arenanet points 

Complete "Bad Blood".

Deeper and Deeper  

Récompense : 120px arenanet points 

Complete "Deeper and Deeper ".

A Race to arms  

Récompense : 120px arenanet points 

Complete "A Race to arms".

Achievements To Do

Model Diplomat  

Récompense : 120px arenanet points 

Give Bangar what he wants during his speech.

Story Instance : Coming Home

Emote / Hooray in the chat being on the front of the platform in front of the seats facing Bangar. when he says "Let's explode our joy to the world." You can also achieve this success throughout the speech each time he says this sentence.

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Hasty Harpooning  

reward : 320px arenanet points 

Get the Branded devourer tied down within 2:00.

Story Instance : Coming Home

Just activate the 4 harpoons launchers before the time runs out.No need to deal with enemies around.The achievement is validated just after the activation of the last harpoon .Start with the one just below you then turn clockwise.

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Hidden Achievement : Meet your imperator 

reward: 020px arenanet points 

Came Face-to-Face with the Leader of Your Legion

Story Instance : Coming Home

This hidden achievement is only achieved with a Charr character. Check the legion of your character by clicking on the first episode of the chronicles, then:

  • If your Charr is from the Blood Legion, talk to Bangar about Aurene's sculpture during the chapter "Coming Home".
  • If your Charr is from the Legion of Ashes, talk to Malice Swordshadow during the chapter "Revels & Rivals​".
  • If your Charr is from the Iron Legion, talk to Smodur the Unflinching during the chapter "Revels & Rivals​".

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Talk of the Town  

reward : 120px arenanet points 

Hear the initial aftermath of the opening ceremony.

Story Instance : Coming Home

After defeating the devourer, you have optional conversations indicated in the instance. Approach the NPCs and listen to the conversations until the end. No need to talk to a NPC the conversation automatically activates when you are nearby.

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Cub Consoler  

reward: 120px arenanet points 

Made Sure All the Flame Legion Cubs Felt Okay.

Story Instance : Revels & Rivals

You just need to give the right option for the 3 cubs

  • Prisca — "I'm sorry. But sometimes, with a little patience, things get better."
  • Flame Cub (Middle) — "Peace's a tough mission. Flame Legion elders need your help to complete it."
  • Flame Cub (East) — "You'll always be Flame Legion, but the legions need each other."

Gw536 1 Gw537 Gw214 3


reward: 120px arenanet points 

There's always time to swing by and check on Braham.

Story Instance : Revels & Rivals

In total, you have to go see Braham at 4 different places. He warns by voice message when he visits a new place. Just read / listen to what he says:

  • The first voice message appears fairly quickly during the chapter "Revels & Rivals".
  • Each following message appears after speaking and then helping the tribunes.

The places where Braham will call you are, in order:

  1. Rank 'n' File Pub . - [&BAQMAAA=]
  2. Fangstorm's Farmhouse - [&BAMMAAA=]
  3. In the stands at Contender's Colosseum . - [&BP0LAAA=]
  4. In the stands at Blood Stand Stage. - [&BBkMAAA=]

Swift Justice  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the charr thugs in under thirty seconds.

Story Instance: Bad Blood

These bandits approach you as you follow Rytlock after coming out of the Office of the imperator Bangar. Hit hard using large areas of damage to kill them quickly.

Gw461 compressed 2

For the following successes of the "Deeper and Deeper" instance, you have to make the instance of this chapter twice. If you want to save time to win both, after receiving "Staying In Character" and before Gorrik finishes speaking, exit the instance and restart. Choose aggressive dialogue options and kill the charr to get "Straight-Up Fight".

Staying In Character  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Maintain your cover while on your clandestine mission in the chapter Deeper and Deeper.

Story Instance: Deeper and Deeper

Maintain your cover in the operating room
and highlight your highest rank and most likely to keep the prisoner.

Straight-Up Fight  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Blow your cover during your clandestine mission in Chapter 4 and rescue the old fashioned way—with your fists!

Story Instance: Deeper and Deeper

Choose the aggressive option of driving the door to the guard and also to the charr in the operating room. Be careful, the charr do pretty bad, take some precautions before hitting (loud).

Too Slippery  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the icebrood construct within the time limit.

Story Instance: A Race to Arms

You must defeat the last boss of the instance before the time runs out. The chronometer is triggered when the boss appears and the success is given to the death of the latter. Stay in close combat and work your raid rotations.


Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the icebrood construct without being struck by any spiral ice bombs.

Story Instance: A Race to Arms

The sentinel invokes snowballs orbiting around her. To not be touched, stay close to hand (directly in his hitbox, it's better).

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Flash Freeze  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Escape Bitter Horn within the time limit.

Story Instance: A Race to Arms

Gw452 2

You have 40 seconds to reach your allies a little further down the pass. It's quite short, leave as soon as the sentry is dead, wait for the opening of the area and use all your skills to your advantage. Teleportation and speed will make the difference! Take the time to go near the torches to blow and recover.

Gw458 compressed

Vallée de Grothmar : Succès d'exploration

Interactive Map Image

(click on the image to open it in a new tab and zoom in on it)

Collection Achievements

The following guides all have corresponding pages to visit, with all the details that allow you to complete the successes.

Grothmar Valley Historian  

Reward : 1020px arenanet points 

Find all the ancient coins scattered across Grothmar Valley.

The complete guide is available at : Grothmar Valley Historian.

Eyes for Ears  

Reward : 1020px arenanet points 

Find all the listening devices hidden throughout Grothmar.

The complete guide is available at : Eyes for Ears .

Merchandise Collector  

Reward : 520px arenanet points  and the Metal Legion Band T-Shirt Skin

15 Reward Skins Unlocked

The complete guide is available at :Merchandise Collector .

Brand Stomped  

Reward : 1020px arenanet points 

Repair all 10 broken Brand Stompers around Grothmar Valley.

The complete guide is available at :Stigmate piétiné.

Daily Achievements

Grothmar Tribune  

Reward : 520px arenanet points, Grothmar Legionnaire Weapon Requisition 20px title icon : Bloodbound

Complete the Grothmar Legionnaire daily meta-achievement in Grothmar Valley 15 times.

The Grothmar Legionnaire daily meta-achievement is to do 3 of the 5 daily achievements of the map :


Miscellaneous Achievements

Pepper Picker  

Reward : 120px arenanet points 

Collect 200 Hatched Chilis in Grothmar Valley. Hatched Chili Pepper are resource found in Grothmar Valley. You can also get Hatched chilis in reward for the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike mission.

Pest Control  

Reward : 120px arenanet points 

Stamp out 100 invasive devourer nests. Devourer nests are all over the map , especially concentrated in the center. We made aninteractive map to help you find them.


Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Spend 300 Hatched Chilis at a festival vendor in Grothmar Valley.

Hidden achievement : VIP Access  

Reward : 020px arenanet points and 20px title icon : Festival VIP

Purchase of souvenir titles.

Khan-Ur's Gauntlet jumping puzzle & Cavern of the Khan-Ur

Khan-Ur's Gauntlet jumping puzzle  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Reach the end of the Khan-Ur's Gauntlet. there are torches to take and keep lit to ignite the braziers that serve as a checkpoint. To open the chest at the end of the jumping puzzle, you must have a torch on to validate the last brazier and ignite the previous 2. Carefull switching map reset the braziers. Falling into the water or falling victim to the frogs' water breath attack will extinguish the torch

Khan-Ur's Right Hand  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Reach the end of the Khan-Ur's Gauntlet within the time limit. The timer start when you ignite the spiderweb at the entrance.


Secrets of the Khan-Ur  

Reward : 520px arenanet points 

Open a long-hidden vault and loot what's inside.

Meta-event Guide : Cavern of the Khan-Ur

Repeatable achievement : Additional Secrets of the Khan-Ur 

Reward : 120px arenanet points (max 1020px arenanet points)

Prerequisite : Secrets of the Khan-Ur

Open a long-hidden vault and loot what's inside.

Meta-event Guide : Cavern of the Khan-Ur

Rusty Meadow

Generation Gap  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat 25 angry charr youth at Fangstorm's home.

You must make the angry charr youth flee by pushing them out of the field or kill those who come to attack the crops.

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Cattle Custodian  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Get rid of the devourers at the farm without losing a single cow.

This event consist in using a Patented Pheromone Recycler 2.0 to harvest the Devourer Pheromone Sac on the devoreurs and use them on them to attract them into a portal. Quick enough to prevent him from killing a cow. The skill # 1 of the rifle is used to recover pheromones from the devourers and skill # 2 is used to use it on them. Then the devourers follow you.

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Flame Legion's camp (Ceremony of the sacred Flame)

Pass the Torch  

Reward : 520px arenanet points 

Pass 100 torches in the Flame Legion effigy event.

This event takes place near the eternal Cauldron (Point of Interest). This is the 2nd event of the chain. Light a torch at the first blaze, then use skill # 2 to throw it to an ally. Make a total of 100 passes to validate this success.

Cartetorcheffigietiny compressed

Light it up!  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Ignite the Flame Legion effigy 10 times in the Effigy event.

You just to need to participate 10 times to the final step of the Ceremony of the Sacred Flame.

Note: It is possible to get a special skill during the fight that is doing a lot of damage, you have to be flying through the AOE that surrounds the Wild Flames.

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Hot Feet  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Complete the Flame Legion jumping puzzle without healing.

This puzzle is near the Eternal Cauldron (Point of Interest) and consists of taking the Carrier of the Flame on you and reaching the chest up without dying or healing you. After going through all your abilities to check that no care will interfere (for example the one on the dodge or the one that triggers at X% of life) the trip should not cause you too much trouble.

Iron Legion Camp - Derby

Billowing Bellows  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Pump the bellows 15 times in a row without error. Forgekeeper Santia Fiercehammer launches this event at your request, interact with one of the two bellows in front of the forge to begin. As long as you do not touch anything you are not ejected from the bellows. You must use the bellows skill different from the others 5, then 10 and finally 15 times in a row without deceiving you and that quickly quickly.If you are not fast enough or if you are mistaken, you will be ejected.

Gw372 compressed 1 Gw372 compressed 1

The demolition derby!

The event is announced on the megaphone and requires that the Forgekeeper Santia Fiercehammer event that takes place at the Camp Legion Iron is completed beforehand. The PnJ Marsa Jawcatcher must then be escorted to the Festival Promenade where the Derby begins. The event is to borrow a derby car and do as much damage as possible with the skills you have. When you get in a car for the first time of the event you have to choose your side: Blood, Iron, Ashes, Flame. Note that you are fighting against NPCs and players who have chosen another legion than you. Once the event is over, it is possible to rent a car for 5 Silver Coin at Aeson Geargrace.

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Champion of All  

Reward : 420px arenanet points 

Represent each legion at the Demolition Derby.

  • Flame  
  • Iron  
  • Blood  
  • Ash  

Demolition Derby Don 

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Reduced 30 Opponents to Scrap

Ash Legion camp

A Carved Path 

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Uncover the secrets of the Ash camp.

This method also allows to obtain the Point of interst Site remarquableRecon cove in the Shattered Steppes

  1. Visit Malice swordshadow's tente at the Site remarquableAsh Legion Camp
  2. Approach the cabinet next to the desk. Look at the symbols onto it, memorized the symbols and in which order they are(Exemple).
  3. With the help of adjacent map,spot the trees with the same symbols,and touch them in order(from left to right on the cabinet)
  4. If you are burning, you made a mistake, do it again from the beginning. If not, you are on the good way, keep going.
  5. The last Symbol will propose to go through a tunnel , that lead to the Site remarquableRecon Cove

The Symbols orders change everyday.

An Eye for Detail  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Solve all of Marjory's challenges.

Talk to Marjory in the Recon Cove (access tip above) to start this little quest. You get a special action skill (Present Evidence) and an enigma to find what Marjory insinuates. For each new request, return to talk to her. Use the special action on the / pnj object when you think it matches Jory's description.

  1. The floating crystal in the machine.
  2. The charr in front of the bar.
  3. The quaggan under the cushion
  4. The Skritt Box behind the machine behind Marjory .
  5. Yourself or Marjory

The Ooze Pit trials

Ooze Master  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the Ooze Pit's grand champion.

Divide by Zero  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the Ooze Pit's grand champion without allowing any divisions in the final phase. .

When the boss reach is final 35% life , go back to your starting part and kill the Oozes as quick as possible and before they divide at the end of the big orange AoE.


Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the Ooze Pit's grand champion while pledged to all three legions.

  • Defeated the grand champion while pledged to assist the Ash Legion.  
  • Defeated the grand champion while pledged to assist the Blood Legion.  
  • Defeated the grand champion while pledged to assist the Iron Legion.  

Immaculate Champ  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the Ooze Pit's grand champion without being hit by any ooze's explosions. Must be present at the start of the event to qualify.

Doomlore Shrine


Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Escort the Flame Legion shaman to Doomlore Shrine without him getting downed.

The escort starts every 40-minute past pair hours near the point of interest "the Rally Pavilion" and heads to the Doomlore Shrine in the Northeast.

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Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat Murakai, Doomlore's Bane.

Murakai appears after killing the veteran "Murakai's Steward" who appears at the end of the shaman's escort.

Murakai compressed

Well Watcher  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat Murakai, Doomlore's Bane without stepping into any of her wells. Must be present at the start of the event to qualify.

The wells are shown by a medium red AOE .

Lower Blood Keep

Amateur Mixologist  

Reward : 120px arenanet points 

Serve 30 drinks in the Rank 'n' File Pub.

During an event that starts at the Rank 'n' File Pub, each charr of the bar will take turns dropping a particular drink, announced orally and indicated via a buff on it.Bring him his drink before the end of the circular timer over his head to validate the step and increase the satisfaction of customers.

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Master Sous-Chef  

Reward : 520px arenanet points 

Successfully prepare ingredients for the chef in the Blood Keep.

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No Ingredients Wasted  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Successfully prepare 10 ingredients in a row in a single event.

Recurring event near the north exit of the fort. First you have to interact with the cook's wardrobe to put on an apron and then you have to listen to what he asks you. First, he asks you for an ingredient and then he tells you how to give it to him: either cut (by the board), or grilled (barbecue) or whole. When it's done, all you have to do is send it to him with the skill # 2. The bar above your head determines how much time you have left to provide the ingredient. A success pellet indicates the number of ingredients you have launched in a row.

Renowned Seeker  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Win 20 games of hide-and-seek with cubs in the Lower Blood Keep.

Talk to a young man from Fort, for example Calix who is near the South exit. Launch a game of hide and seek and find him.

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Master Seeker  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Win a game of hide-and-seek within 60 seconds.

Metal Legion Concert

Master of Ceremonies  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Complete each type of mini-event at the concert.

Each Mini-event can be seen on the following page : Master of Ceremonies.

Professional Bouncer  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat 500 crazed fans.

Fans appear for the duration of the concert and attack the musicians, defend them by killing them.

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The Show Must Go On  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Finish the concert without the band being defeated.

The band is killed if fans or other enemies kill them , Or if the hype reach 0.

Master Concert Promoter  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Finish the concert with maximum hype.

Hidden succes : Stealing the Limelight 

Reward : 120px arenanet points 

Try to steal the show.

Use an instrument on or in front of the scene , to be ejected by a strong kick.

Hidden succes : Heads up!  

Reward : 120px arenanet points 

Get hit by falling props during the concert.

Before the appearance of the boss at the end of the concert (before the last 2:00 minutes of the 3rd song) jump from the cliff and go place yourself in the water. When the boss appears, the debris of the scene falling into the water will kill you if you are in the wrong place.

Gw451 3

Strike Mission

Shiverpeak pass

All information on the conduct of the attack mission can be found on the guide: Shiverpeak pass strike mission.Do not hesitate to inquire, it allows you to prepare in advance to achieve success.

Stay Frosty  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Complete the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission.

Gw054 compressed 1

Ice Breaker  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the final boss of the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission without dying. .

Smooth as Ice  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the final boss of the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission within the time limit.


Strike Mission

Shiverpeak pass

All information on the conduct of the attack mission can be found on the guide: Shiverpeak pass strike mission.Do not hesitate to inquire, it allows you to prepare in advance to achieve success.

Stay Frosty  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Complete the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission.

Gw054 compressed 1

Ice Breaker  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the final boss of the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission without dying. .

Smooth as Ice  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Defeat the final boss of the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission within the time limit.

Race & Aventure

AdventureGrothmar Grand Tour: Silver Challenge  

Reward : 220px arenanet points 

Finish the Grothmar Grand Tour within the silver challenge time limit.

AdventureGrothmar Grand Tour: Gold Challenge  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Finish the Grothmar Grand Tour within the gold challenge time limit.

AdventureGrothmar Grand Tour: Pole Position  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Finish the Grothmar Grand Tour in the top three.

AdventureAsh Training Course: Silver  

Reward : 220px arenanet points 

To access the area of this adventure, simply access the point of interest Recon Cove. Do not hesitate to consult our guide on this subject!

AdventureAsh Training Course: Gold 

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

To access the area of this adventure, simply access the point of interest Recon Cove. Do not hesitate to consult our guide on this subject!

AdventureCrater Circuit: Silver Challenge  

Reward : 220px arenanet points 

Finish the Crater Circuit within the Silver Challenge time limit.

AdventureCrater Circuit: gold Challenge  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Finish the Crater Circuit within the gold Challenge time limit.

AdventureCrater Circuit: Top Three  

Reward : 320px arenanet points 

Finish the Crater Circuit in the top three.

AdventureGrothmar Skyscale Challenge: Silver  

Reward: 220px arenanet points 

Prove your mastery over the skyscale in Grothmar Valley.

AdventureGrothmar Skyscale Challenge: Gold  

Reward: 320px arenanet points 

Prove your mastery over the skyscale in Grothmar Valley.

For dracaille challenges, you can rent a dragon on the spot.

Editor : Myalesca

Vidéos & images : Azuura_Mi_R, Baderas, Menida, Nico le Ch'ti, Reegar & Waldolf
Correction : Brume & Deathmortus
Translation : Mix3x

Made in collaboration with ArenaNet

Last edited: 15/10/2024

  • 1 vote. Average rating: 3 / 5.

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