Feline Familiar

Feline Familiar : Halloween 2016

Note: You need at least one cat in your home instance. You can get this cat, even when Halloween event is not active in game, if you or a companion have the Witch's Outfit.

First Step

Find a Frog in a Jar. To get this item, leave Lion's Arch in direction of Bloodtide Coast, and complete the renown heart "Help the Lionguard keep drakes at bay" if not already done. You can then buy the item for 721 Karma 20px. Be careful to buy the masterwork version !

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Second Step

To get this cat in your home instance, you will need the Witch's Outfit. If you don't own it, you can ask someone who have it to help you.

Equip your Enchanted Broom and use your skill #5 to summon the Feline Familiar. If you got close to the cat, a special action skill will appear. Use it to interact with the cat and feed him.

Gw050 compressed Gw051 compressed

When it's done, the cat will be added to your home instance. It runs near your candy corn node if there is one, and likes to use it as a scratcher.

Original Text: Myalesca
Translation: AzuuRa_Mi_R
Correction: _

More cats for your home instance

  • Feline Familiar

    A guide explaining you how to get the Feline Familiar in your home instance.

Last edited: 14/10/2019

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