Event & World Boss timers

This timer for World bosses & Meta events of Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire and Central Tyria's maps uses the script created by Famme. The latter has undergone some changes, thanks to the EN Wiki, Réactif, Naferla, and Seyguai. We translated and adapted it for our website. Isiolith added the Pact Supply Network Agents.

The whole of these timers repeats itself every 2 hours, so you can guess the appearance of the meta-event over 24 hours. Except for : The World bosses (another timer is on the website) and the current events.

Legend for Side Stories : M = Moa; S = Shark; W = Wyvern; A = Arctodus; D = Devourer

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Last edited: 01/12/2024

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